dimarts, 19 de juny del 2012

BizBarcelona 2012

Wednesday 13  and Thursday 14 June was the "Saló de l'emprenedor" day at Barcelona, called BizBarcelona, and Biapum was there.
Here you can see some Biapum cards for making some contacts.

One of the most interesting conference at the morning was the webCongress. Some experts were talking about the present and the future of the web.

At the noon, I come to see the Didac Lee speaeh. As always was very interesting. He explained his experiences as an entrepreneur and was curious when he told that maybe he is the first member of the Barça staff that had worked at an chinese restaurant.

After him and have lunch, I came to the same place to see Xavier Verdaguer promoting the organization Barcelona - San Francisco. he explained. There are a lot of Catalans working there and Barcelona city is highly valued for the Sillicon Valley people. He told that there, some people starts to celebrate the "Sant Jordi" day. Was amazing. 

For the end, i met with my brother Gil from VID'S and we went to go Albert Bosch conference. Albert compere the entrepreneur live as the adventurer live because he is an adventurer. Also, i really like the photo below when he said that there to kind of people. People who is in the Zoo and people who is in the Jungle. People in the zoo stay in a place where somebody give him the work and the money regullary, as a chimpanzee in the zoo, were the zoo workers give it the bananas every day at same time. In the Jungle, the chimpanzes have to find it food and fight for surviveing. Entrepreneurs are at the Jungle. And now, I feel in the jungle!

The second day I was at the webCongress again.

Also I was listening Marc Sanz explaining some interesting things about Admob and google publicity strategies, because he is working at Google.

Finally, I was recorded for an interview about startups.

Here you can see the video.

dijous, 14 de juny del 2012

Barcelona Startup Fair: Recruitment & Beer! 2012

Tuesday, june 12 at 7:00PM at Antiga Fabrica Estrella Damm of  Barcelona Startup Fair: Recruitment & Beer!

Here an article from "Negocio Tecnológico" promoting the event at and here is the official web with al the attenders and information.

Biapum was there and was amazing! A lot of entrepreneurs and developers. I met some known people and met a lot of new developers and startups. Was great to meet there some good friends as Fernando Cejas or some Biapum collaborator as Fernando Garcia. Also was a pleasure to met Hermes Pique from RobotMedia, some Fever team and match other startups and people.

The Biapum stand was, as expected, well dressed. We bring some of our icons apps and the roll-up. 

Here you can see a summary at Barcelona Activa news and here some more fotos.

Thanks all organization.

dissabte, 2 de juny del 2012

Presentació App Vic 2012

New update of Vic App. Now it's official and free at the AppStore.

Last tuesday 29th March 2012 a new update of Vic has been presented officialy at the new Vic Tourist Office. We made a news conference with councillor Vic, Anna Erra. We expose the new app and some new things for tourism.

In the new app, you can see points of interest, restaurants, hotels and the Tourist Office. Also, you can see some information about this points. You can share this informations via Social Networks or you can contact via call or mail to the restaurants or hotels. You cab find this information via List, Map or Augmented Reality. See here some screenshots:


Finally, you can see here a poster we made for them to promote the app and to inform visitors and Vic people there is an app for Vic.

Here is the video of el9nou tv and also you can see the newspaper article.


And here a photo of newspaper article.

Download it free here for iPhone and iPad!